Dancing on the Danforth

Our third DOD event will be a special one as it features the band that will be playing our AGM in November. The Tim Bovaconti Band plays very danceable songs from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s from a wide range of genres including pop, classic rock, reggae and many others. They could be the best cover band in the GTA, if not the province or country. Tim is one of Canada’s best guitarists, and the band features three other great performers.  The reason Tim and the band are available for our AGM is that he doesn’t have a show that weekend with Burton Cumming’s band. Before playing with Cummings, he spent years in Kim Stockwood’s band.

Dancing on the Danforth 3 with the Tim Bovaconti Band will be at Noonan’s Irish Pub from 8:00 to 12:30 on Saturday, July 20Noonan’s, at 141 Danforth, is conveniently located just a very short walk from Broadview Station. The band starts at 9:30, and, while there is NO COVER for this show, you should get there early if you want a seat. Come see this great band to discover why you will need to register early for the AGM. Otherwise, there will be "no time left for you" (expect to hear that song on the 20th).

This is event is open to all TBN members and their guests.

Click below to watch The Tim Bovaconti Band.

Live medley of hits at the Cadillac Lounge

Tainted Love with Kim Stockwood as guest vocalist 

Tim Bovaconti and guess who!

Click here to register.

The Tim Bovaconti Band at Noonan's Irish Pub

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